Monday 23 September 2013


Introduction to blog

My name is Kala-Louise Hill, my candidate number is 3075 and I am studying A2 media at Swakeleys 6th form.
Last year in AS media studies, I had learnt in depth all the media terminology and the correct concepts to use the key words in. I also learnt how to use editing facilities like iMovie and my knowledge of camera angles and how to use the basics of a camera and editing. We also covered the music industry learning about the rules of piracy and copy right.
In another unit of AS media we covered TV drama which widened our knowledge and skills on how to  analyse the representations of things such as Gender, Sexuality, Age, Race and Religion and Disability.  The skills we learnt from analysing all the different types of TV drama's we was able to apply in our AS media studies exam.
We also created a Media portfolio as a group and created a two minute clip including an opening to a movie. The piece i created was in a group of 3 an we had a horror theme, we had to create a story board and script, short clips to practise the basic editing skills we would use in our clip this all helped us create our clip to the best of our ability.

This blog will now take you through the journey of my A2 media course work, including a digipak and advert all leading up to my groups (Myself, Faye Curry and Georgia Pearce) final piece of a music video.

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