Thursday 10 April 2014


Question 1
Embedded below is a time line created by Faye curry on dipity

Question 2 
 Embedded below is a prezi that I created, presenting the relationships between our final Music video, Digipak and Magazine advert.

Question 3
Embedded below is a Prezi created by Georgia Pearce
Question 4
Embedded below is a timeline that I created on to present all the Technology and websites and services that we used through out the process of creating our music video, digipak and magazine advert.

Monday 7 April 2014

Final Music video, Digipak and Magazine advert

Directed by Faye Curry, Produced by Kala Hill and Edited by Georgia Pearce
Myself and Georgia created the Final digipak for our album, embedded below is an image of the digipak. We used research of other pop artists digipak's that I gathered to help create our own for Little mix. We used the typical conventions such as The artist name, The album title, The song list, Pictures of the artist and bright colours. The bright colours and fun pictures represent the typical conventions you would expect to see from Little Mix. The font that we chose to use for the Artist name is quiet girly, this connotes that it is a girl band, the name is also large this shows the importance of them. For the name of the album we used a basic font and it is rather small and placed under the artist name, this is because it is not as important, however it is still one the front page as it is important for the customer to know the name of the album. For the song list we decided to use a standard font this was because we knew the font would be rather small and it needed to be legible. We carefully thought out all aspects of the digipak to ensure we created the perfect one for our music video and artist.

Myself and Faye then went on to create a Magazine advert for advertising our digipak, after Faye had researched into Little mix's previous albums, to create this we again used he research that I had gathered on existing magazine adverts for pop artists promoting their digipaks. The main point to this advert is to promote the release of our digipak, So we used a recognisable image from the digipak and a small image in the corner of the front cover of our digipak. We ensured that we included all the main aspects such as the artist name, The single name and The release date this is all the information that a consumer would need to know to purchase the single.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Process to final Digipak and Magazine advert

First of all I created our basic Digipak and Magazine advert, these were drafts that went by the sketches that I had drawn out, by looking at the completed digital format of these we realized that they needed to be altered to become more professional.
Faye looked into different fronts that we could use.
Below you can see that Fye experimented with many different fonts which she believed followed Little mix's typical typology. We decided on using the fifth text down as we believe that it portrays Little Mix's girly side and highlights that this is a female dominated band. We wanted to keep true to their style and origins.

Above are variations of our magazine advert, once Myself and Faye had created the Magazine advert we were happy with Faye went off to experiment with different colours and wording and imagery placement. From that we decided as a group which one was the best and that would be the one we use as our final piece.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Digipak and Magazine advert sketches

I created these sketches to help towards creating a digital copy of our digipak and magazine advert, this gave us a brief idea of what images to use and the placement of them, I had to consider the placing of the images and which panels they would go onto I had to have the cd disk room on the inside of the digipak. These sketches helped the process of making the digipak and magazine advert on the computer a lot quicker.
This image below is an open copy of my drawn out digipak.
 This image below is the front page of the digipak.
 This image below is the open insides of the digipak.
 This image below is the back of the digipak.
This image below is my sketch of the Magazine advert.

Friday 4 April 2014

Comparison of Digipak promotional advert

I have looked at some magazine adverts of pop artists promoting their albums and digipak's to help inspire me to create our own one for our music video.

First of all i looked at Rihanna's magazine advert for her new album.
 On this magazine advert, we are presented with;
The Artists name
The album name
Pictures of the artist
A picture of the album
Particular songs found on album
A different but similar picture to the digipak image
Bright bold colours
Typical aspects that represent that artist
The date of release 

I then looked at Katy Perry's magazine advert for her new album.
On this magazine advert, we are presented with;
The artist name 
The album name
Pictures of the artist
A picture of the album
Particular songs found on album
A different but similar picture to the digipak image
Aspects that we expect to see of this artist
Bright vibrant colours
The release date

From these two digipak adverts I can clearly see what the main aspects of a pop music digipak would be, this is going to help me create the perfect advert for our digipak by including these common aspects.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Analysis of Digipak's created by different artists

We each individualy analyses various digipak cover to help us start our progress to me creating our digipak.

Me and Georgia looked at Rihanna's "LOUD" digipak cover and analysed the aspects used though out it.
The typical conventions of album digipaks are to have an image of the artist, another convention would be to have the name of the artist and the album presented on the front, For example Rihanna's LOUD digipak has a close up of her face pulling a seductive facial expression, on the front panel with her name and the album name written at the top and bottom of the image. Another prominent convention is that the artists are displayed on the inside and outside, forming a 6 panel digipak in this case, you can create 4 panel digipaks as well. This digipak includes pockets for the CD's and a booklet which include lyrics from tracks on the album.
  The images of Rihanna in her digipak are very sexualised, this is appropriate for her album as it represents her genre of music. The provocative nature is also what will attract her target audience of teenage boys and girls. The photographs used are also clearly edited using photoshop, things such as her skin being perfectly airbrushed and flawless, this is a typical convention for pop music artists as they need to achieve the "perfect" appearance. The colours have also been edited, the red is very bright and vibrant, this colour also insinuates passion, lust and a sexual atmosphere and this colour is a star motif of this artist.
  The typography on her album was carefully chosen the title of the album in capital letters which connotes with the name of the album being LOUD, the artist name is also in capital letter to emphasis the importance of her name, however the font is quiet delicate which prevents the text distracting the consumer from the imagery.

Faye researched into another Rihanna digipak called "Talk that talk" this enables me to compare the two different digipak's from the same pop artist and pick out the most common conventional aspects of a successful digipak cover.

Initially the first typical conventions on this digipak was the use of pictures of Rihanna. It is a typical 6 panel digipak, which had a variety of imagery of the artist Rihanna, secondly having the title of the album placed on the front is a very typical convention of a pop music digipak, along with including; the track list, production company and barcode.
  The imagery on this digipak is a very dominant aspect. These images have captured Rihanna's star motifs, she is typically seen in a provocative and sexual nature. This is apparent in these images as she is showing quiet a lot of skin and is sitting in a sexual manor e.g with her legs open. In addition to the sexuality of the images, having her mouth open in one of the images may be a reference to the title of the album "Talk that talk"
  A lot of the editing has been shown through the images. All of these have a black and white filter, and certain aspects of Rihanna has been brightened e.g her leg this draws the audiences attention to these area and appeals to the male gaze.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Location and Costume pictures

Group member Georgia created 2 Polyvore collages to show what costumes the actresses were wearing.

Embedded below are the Polyvore collages of final costume ideas for our music video, each collage representing each member. Faye created Jade and Jesy's collages and I created Perrie and Leigh-Anne's collages.

Perrie Edwards:
For Perrie, we aimed for pastel colours and prints such as floral and spotty, to reflect her girly persona and closely adhere to the common outfits Perrie would normally wear. She wears a lot of floral print and so we aim to have her in florals. For the bedroom scene, Perrie will wear a light green/blue skater skirt and a black crop top. In the party scene, she will wear a collared playsuit and black and blue converse, and in the green screen scene she will wear pink jeans with a floral top and converse.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock:

Leigh-Anne normally wears a lot of aztec print and bright colours, and so we want the actress who portrays Leigh-Anne to be as close to the style of Leigh-Anne as possible. For the bedroom scene we went for a pale blue top with short black shorts, a casual outfit for her, and for the party scene and green screen scenes we will have her in aztec print tops and dresses and converse of bright colours.

Group member Faye then created the other two polyvore collages for the last two actresses

Created on polyvore , below we have created the costumes our actors will be wearing for our music video. All the outfits have been created in the style of the character they will be playing. These outfits have been created on polyvore. I created the costumes for Jade and Jesy while Georgia Pearce created the costumes for Perrie and Leigh-ann.

Jade Thirlwall 

Through prior research we are aware of Jade's certain style and clothing choices. She wears a lot of dresses and has a very cute style. We incorporated this through having her wear two dresses and then wearing a skirt. To keep to her style motif we included a lot of accessories and colours whenever we can. The outfit on the far left will be worn at the party , the one in the middle will be used during the individual green screen and lastly the one on the right will be worn during the bedroom.

Jesy Nelson 

Our costume choices for jesy is very dark and includes a lot of red and tartan. This is very typical of jesy as shown in a previous post, she also tends to be more covered up compared to the other members of little mix. Due to this we had her wear quite a lot of trousers and big shirts. The one the left will be worn at the party , the one in the middle will be worn on the individual green screen then finally the one of the right will be worn in the bedroom scene.

Then embedded below , Faye created a slideshow on Animoto which includes all our location image and the costumes for the group scene and the digipak photos.
Little Mix location and Costume images

Friday 14 March 2014

Health and safety risk assessment

Before filming we have to establish an dangers that we may encounter while filming and make sure we have quick affective solutions to deal with an problems which may a rise. Faye then went on the fill out our risk assessment grid which is pasted below.

Very bright
Get very hot
·       Try not to look at the lights to avoid any damage to the eyes
·       Take breaks and drink water due to heat
·       Be carful where you are walking


Green screen
May trip on the fabric
·    Move carefully when using the green screen to avoid tripping on the fabric


Group member having asthma
·    Make sure they carry their inhaler with them at all times during filming.



Tuesday 11 March 2014

Filming schedule

Filming Schedule

Below Faye created a film schedule , it entails what shots we are going to film , where we are going to film, what characters will be required, how long it will take to film and what props will be needed. This is key resource to use throughout filming as it will help us organise our time more efficiently and  make sure we film every shot needed.

Shot Number
Time to film
Props and Kit
1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 37, 41, 46, 49, 51, 59, 67, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94

Individual green screens
Georgia/ Perrie
Chloe/ Jesy
Ishpreet/ jade
School location – Oracy
1 hr
Green screen
8, 10,12, 15, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35

Bedroom scene
Georgia/ Perrie
Chloe/ Jesy
Ishpreet/ jade
House scene- Bedroom

1 ½ hrs
6, 9, 13, 16, 21, 23, 29, 31, 34, 45, 47, 52, 55, 57, 60, 65, 75, 80, 82, 86, 89, 92, 96

Group room
Georgia/ Perrie
Chloe/ Jesy
Ishpreet/ Jade
School location – Oracy
1 hr
7, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 53, 54, 56, 58, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81, 84, 87, 95

Party scene
Georgia/ Perrie
Chloe/ Jesy
Ishpreet/ Jade

10 extras
House scene- Living room
1 hr

Monday 10 March 2014

Shot list

Below Faye embedded our 19 page shot list for our music video which Faye personally created. A shot list is an important tool to have as at certain points the story board lacks detail so the shot list adds more clarity to what needs to be in the shot and the general actions.

Friday 7 March 2014


Embedded below is our storyboard created by Georgia and Faye and preented on Imgur.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Additional Research

I gathered together information about the typical conventions of the pop music genre.

Genre Research

The general conventions
Pop music videos are all about the artist selling their music to their audience. Typical eliminates in a pop music video include; Lots of bright colours, dancing, make-up, vibrant outfits and props. Many artists in this industry such as Rihanna and Beyonce are sex symbols as well as a product to help promote their music to the public.
Mise-en-scene typically consists of Bright colours, lots of make-up and fashion accessories.
Editing typically consists of Tints and filters to enhance colours and photoshopped artists so they look perfect.
Camera work typically consists of Many close-ups of artist faces and long shots of dancing and partying.

In pop music videos a narrative is not the most common theme they usually go with a performance based theme as this attracts the audience, however if a narrative is used in a pop music video then it is usually based upon parties or relationships/breakups. Such as Little Mix "DNA" the narrative behind that is all these girls obsesing over a guy, this is typical for pop music videos.

Pop music videos are almost completely focused on the artist and no one else. If there is a dance routine in the music video then then the artists will always be the main front dancers, or if they have a narrative then the artists will play the main charecters. Pop artists always perform in a sexual manner or a cute way to attract the biggest audience base they can.

Group member Georgia created a biography about Little Mix


Artist Biography (Source:

Little Mix are a British four member girl band formed in 2011, members including Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall.
They were put together on the eighth series of The X Factor in 2011 after originally auditioning as solo artists, becoming the first ever group to win the competition. 
After the show, they signed with Simon Cowell's record label Syco Records and releasing their winners single, a cover of Damien Rice's "Cannonball".
Their debut album DNA was released on 19 November 2012, and their second album, Salute, was released on 11 November 2013 in the UK and was released on 4 February 2014 in the US. As of October 2013, Little Mix have sold over 4 million singles and over 2.5 million albums worldwide.
Perrie Edwards:
Born 10 July 1993 (age 20), Perrie was born and raised in South Shields, Tyne and Wear to parents Alexander Edwards and Deborah Duffy, with an older brother named Jonnie. Her first audition was "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. She has been engaged to One Direction member Zayn Malik since August 2013.

Perrie's First Audition:

Leigh-Anne Pinnock:
Leigh-Anne was born 4 October 1991 (age 22), and was raised in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire along with her two sisters, Sarah and Sian-Louise. She is of Barbadian/Jamaican ancestry. Before joining Little Mix, she worked as a waitress in Pizza Hut. Her first audition was "Only Girl (in the World)" by Rihanna. She's currently in a relationship with Jordan Kiffin.

Leigh-Anne's First Audition:

Jade Thirlwall:
Jade Thirlwall was born 26 December 1992 (age 21), and raised in South Shields, Tyne and Wear. She previously auditioned for The X Factor during series 5 (2008) and series 7 (2010). Her first audition song in 2011 was "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles. Her musical influences are Diana Ross and Cheryl Cole. She's currently in a relationship with Diversity's Sam Craske.

Jade's First Audition (2011):

Jesy Nelson:
Jesy was born 14 June 1991 (age 22), and raised in Romford, London to parents John Nelson and Janice White. She has an older sister Jade and two brothers, Joseph and Jonathan. Her first audition was "Bust Your Windows" by Jazmine Sullivan. Since joining Little Mix, she has faced cyber-bullying and struggled to cope during her time on The X Factor. Prior to the show, Jesy worked as a barmaid. She's currently in a relationship with Diversity's Jordan Banjo.

Jesy's First Audition:

Group member Faye gathered together the information viewing a theory.

Theory Laura Mulvey
The next task is a research task into how women are represented into the media ,e.g. the male gaze.
After researching we will then decide if in our music video we will conform to these ideas of subvert them.

'Film studies: The essential resource - Peter Bennett, Andrew Hickman and Peter Wall'

Laura Mulvey - "In cinema pleasure is related to issues of sexual difference and sexual politics".
The media is mediated by the ways in which male characters look at female characters. A female is identified as an object of desire, she is defined as a passive sexual spectacle. Cinema centres ideas around pleasuring a male heterosexual desire and defines the female as the passive object of male desire.

The term voyeurism refers to a distortion in which a person receives sexual gratification from seeing the genitalia of other or witnessing others sexual behaviour. Linking this to Mulvey's ideas as men gain pleasure by looking at women's bodies. 

Group member Georgia gathered together information about Little Mix to create a biography.