Wednesday 30 October 2013

Target Audience response

As a group we decided to present our questionnaire results onto Quick time, by putting up a recording of us going through the results so that Georgia was able to voice over what our results were. We then edited it on iMovie and uploaded it to youtube.
These results showed us that the majority of our target audience are Females aged between 17 and 18 years old, we also said that our target audience would fall into bracket E and we was correct as our results show that 53% are unemployed and 100% are in education. Are chosen artists Little mix are typical pop artists and our results show that 69% of our target audience like pop music, which helps us continue with our current idea's. Finally we also found out that 56% of our target audience prefer bright and vibrant colours which is what Little Mix are known for so this again reinforces our idea's.

 Questionnaire results by fayecurry5 on GoAnimate

Above is the GoAnime that group member Faye had created, we had based the character on our typical target audience and used the knowledge we had gained from our questionnaire.

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